Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to my space and thank you for being here. 🤗

In this website, you will find listings of the various sewing workshops that I have offered since February 2018. They range from the beginner, confident beginner and intermediate levels. Currently there are no advanced workshops as I do not consider myself an advanced sewist at the moment. There is still a long road ahead to becoming what I would consider an accomplished bagmaker and I really do mean it. 

All workshops are on-going. The older projects may not be repeated as frequently. However, if you are keen on them, we could always work out a schedule suitable for both parties with minimum 2 pax to start.

Please feel free to browse through the various categories and drop me an email anytime at sewingseedsofluv@gmail.com should you need any clarifications. 

Thank you and have a good day!

Warm regards,
Founder of Sewing Seeds of Love Patterns & Workshops

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